Stevens Principal Dr. Evans to Retire in January

person wearing a safety vest and an oversized foam cowboy hatAfter two decades at BH-BL, with 12 of those years as the Stevens Elementary School Principal, Dr. Rick Evans has decided to hang up his oversized “Math Facts Ranger” cowboy hat and step into retirement. Dr. Evans dedicated his entire professional career, of more than 30 years, to educating, leading, and helping shape the lives of students.

“I consider myself most fortunate to work with such dedicated and compassionate staff members, such loving, supportive families, and, of course, Stevens Superstars, who are the kindest, most amazing students who touch my heart each day,” says Dr. Evans

Dr. Evans became a BH-BL Spartan in 2004 when he was appointed Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. He spent close to a decade in this position before deciding to return to an elementary school environment and reconnect with students as their principal.

students walking on sidewalk into school While at Stevens Elementary School, Dr. Evans is credited with his progressive approach in creating a positive school culture. The Thriving School program he developed quickly became a hallmark of Stevens, and has led to the school’s positive climate and high levels of student academic success and well-being. In fact, Dr. Evans wrote a book highlighting strategies for promoting the mental health of elementary and middle school students.

“I am so proud of the school we have created together and our perfect blend of mind and heart,” says Dr. Evans.

Under his leadership, Stevens has developed into one of the highest academically performing individual elementary schools in the Capital Region. The school has been recognized on numerous occasions at the national, state, and local levels for student performance in ELA and math on the NYS assessments, and was also nominated by the US Department of Education for the National Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence.

hot air balloon and the words rise up spelled out

“When I see students in classrooms laughing and growing with their teachers and classmates, or playing at recess, or enjoying an evening PTA event, I feel thankful and proud that we are providing our students with such a safe and nurturing school community surrounded by caring adults. It’s been a gift to be principal of such a special, one of a kind school.”

This fall, district administrators will conduct an extensive principal search. They will begin by assembling a hiring committee of various constituent groups so all parties can provide input and participate in the search. The district’s goal is to hire a qualified candidate who will begin in December. Dr. Evans will work directly with the new principal from the hire date to his retirement date, January 3, 2025, to ensure a smooth, successful transition for Stevens staff, students and families.