K-12 Programming
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake staff work hard to develop the best possible instructional programs for district children. Our commitment to strong and professionally run academic programs is demonstrated by the fact that we use:
- A K-12 grade district department head and a coordinating committee in each academic discipline to ensure maximum instructional continuity and consistency across the grades and schools.
- A formal mentoring program for first- and second-year teachers
- A professional staff development coordinator to identify and address staff training needs
- A formal, annual assessment and goal-setting process for all staff
Pre-Kindergarten Program
- 2024-25 PreK Census Form
- UPK funding slated for 70 students to attend local early childhood programs at no cost to parents
- FAQ Regarding Pre-K Programming
New York State School Report Cards
The New York State Education Department releases School Report Cards on every public school and district in the state. Based on some key assessments taken by students in New York public schools, the report cards provide achievement data on districts and schools, as compared to their past years’ performances and to other similar schools. View the Latest New York State School Report Card for BH-BL.
Other Academic Information
- Accelerated, Enrichment, Honors and PACE Programs
- Annual Professional Performance Reviews (APPR)
- District Technology Plan | NYSED 2018-21 Instructional Technology Plan | Previously approved SSBA Plans for BHBL | SSBA Submission 7 awaiting approval | (Please send comments or questions on the District Technology Plan or on allocation of Smart Schools Bond Act funding to dcollins@bhbl.org) | Submission SSIP #2 (Awaiting adjustment) | Smart Schools Submission Plan 2
- Elementary Curriculum
- Elementary Report Card Guide
- Full-day Kindergarten
- High School Curriculum Guide (This booklet outlines graduation requirements and all courses offered at the BH-BL High School.)
- Homeschooling Your Child
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Plan
- NYS Next Generation Standards | Parent Resources
BH-BL 21st Century Framework for Learning
21st Century Learning includes the essential skills, knowledge, expertise, and attitudes students must possess to succeed in school, post-secondary education, work, and life.
BH‐BL 21st Century Framework Themes
Global Awareness
- Understanding global issues such as economic changes, competition for natural resources, and growth of the worldwide middle class.
- Understanding, appreciating, and working with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions, etc.
Energy & Sustainability
- Demonstrating an understanding of the environment and conditions affecting it such as air, climate, land, food, energy, water and ecosystems.
- Understanding society’s impact on the natural world.
- Taking action towards addressing environmental issues.
Life Balance & Wellness
- Taking charge of your life through balancing academics, extracurricular activities, sports, families, friends, media consumption and use of electronic devices, etc.
- Making appropriate choices regarding health and wellness.
- Understanding preventative health measures such as: nutrition, exercise, risk avoidance, stress reduction.
- Discovering and cultivating talents, interests and passions.
- Seeing the relevance of what is being learned in a clear and compelling way.
Desire to Learn
- Discovering what ignites an interest to learn more.
- Feeling capable and competent as learners.
Ethics, Civic & Personal Responsibility
- Exercising the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
- Demonstrating integrity and ethical behavior.
- Acting responsibly by keeping the interests of others in mind.
- Using interpersonal and problem solving skills to influence and guide others toward a common goal.
- Utilizing the strengths of others to accomplish desired results.
- Inspiring others to reach their best through example.
Character Development
- Treating self and others with empathy, respect, compassion, etc.
- Acting responsibly toward self, others and surroundings.
BH-BL 21st Century Framework Skills
- Articulate thoughts and ideas using a variety of forms such as: oral, written, nonverbal, and electronic.
- Use active listening to understand others’ messages.
- Communicate for a variety of purposes such as to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
Problem Solving/Critical Thinking
- Solve real‐life problems in conventional and innovative ways.
- Ask questions that clarify various points of view that lead to better solutions.
- Interpret various forms of information, draw conclusions and solve problems.
- Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.
Manage, Analyze and Synthesize Information
- Access information efficiently and effectively.
- Evaluate information thoughtfully and critically.
- Use information accurately, creatively, and ethically for the issue or problem at hand.
- Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources.
- Interact positively and effectively with others.
- Collaborate and cooperate effectively within and among diverse teams.
- Hold self and others accountable for time, work production and quality results.
- Set and achieve goals.
- Manage time and projects effectively.
- Produce and be accountable for results.
- Work independently and with others to complete tasks without direct oversight.
- Demonstrate initiative to gain knowledge and enhance skills.
Media Literacy
- Understand, create, and utilize the most appropriate media tool to communicate to a variety of audiences (i.e. PowerPoint, podcast, blog, short animation, etc.).
- Understand the ethical/legal issues surrounding the use of media.
Financial Literacy
- Know how to make appropriate personal economic choices.
- Understand the role of the economy in ideas and society.
Innovation & Creativity
- Create new ideas.
- Work creatively with others.
- Act on creative innovations.
- Be flexible with varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and situations.
- Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and change.
- Deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism.
[Print-friendly version of 21st Century Framework for Learning]