After-school Enrichment Registration Ends March 21

New Program at CHES!

The program is held for three Wednesdays (March 26, April 2 and April 9) from 3 to 4:15 pm at the school.  (A separate email will be sent out to those who registered their children that explains how the pick up process will work.)

Sign up by Friday, March 21 to have your child participate in the school’s new After-school Enrichment program. Follow this link to register online. (Click the “View Store” tab and select the After-school Enrichment program your child would like to attend (Learn to Cheer, Farm Animals, Newspaper Club, Making Jewelry, Learn to Dance, Tae Kown Do, and Dungeons & Dragons). Please register each child for the class of interest.  You will need to pay online when you register.

Want to volunteer?

We are in huge need of parent volunteers!  Can you help with your child’s sessions or offer general help?  Volunteers are needed from 2:45 to 4:30 pm each day.  (Please click yes or no on the registration form.)


If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at