Back-to-School Message from Principal Evans

Dear Stevens Families,

The Stevens staff and I are really excited to connect with our students and families this year! As stated in the quote above, human connections really do give purpose and meaning to our lives. We truly have a unique, special school because adults- parents and staff- wholeheartedly strive to nurture positive, supportive relationships and work together on behalf of our Superstars! I am sharing some of our procedures with you to help us with a smooth start to the school year:

School Day: The official school day will be 8:56 a.m. to 2:56 p.m.

Riding School Buses: We strongly encourage families to have your child ride the school bus to and from school. Our school buses have a long track record of safely and successfully transporting our students. Also, having students ride buses decreases the number of cars at Stevens during arrival and especially at dismissal, thereby reducing delays in our lower parking lot and safety concerns associated with cars backing up onto Lakehill Road. Please be patient as bus routes take a couple weeks to run timely and consistently in the morning and afternoon. Please refrain from making transportation changes during the first two weeks of school.

Arrival: Buses will arrive at the building between 8:20 and 8:40 a.m. Families can drop off students in the lower parking lot from 8:20 until 8:40 a.m. If students arrive after 8:45 a.m. and the drop-off area is unattended by an adult, students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to the main office.

Dismissal: Students will be dismissed at 2:56. Parent pick-up students will be dismissed in waves to increase safety and efficiency and reduce traffic congestion in our lower parking lots and Lakehill Road. Families will wait in their cars with a designated sign in the windshield. These signs will be provided by the school. The waves for those families who have already submitted the required form for parent pick-up are as follows:

Dismissal Pick-Up Wave

  • Wave 1 for student last names A-H: 3-3:10 pm
  • Wave 2* for student last names I-Z: 3:10-3:20 pm

* Important Note: Families who wish to be added to the parent pick-up list who have not already submitted the required parent pick-up form will be assigned to Wave 2.

Morning Recess: Students will go outside for morning recess between 8:20 and 8:40 a.m, weather permitting.

Supply Drop Off & Meet & Greet on Sept. 4 at 9 am: We will have an optional opportunity for families to drop off supplies on Wednesday, September 4, between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. This event is for grades 1-5, since kindergarten families will have separate orientation sessions. Tables will be set up along the periphery of the building arranged by grade level. Please label the bag of supplies so that our staff members can deliver it to the classrooms.

Back to School Nights: Grades K-2 BTSN will be held on September 12 at 6:00 and Grades 3-5 BTSN will be held on September 25 at 6:00. More details will be emailed in the coming weeks.

Birthdays/Celebrations: Elementary school students enjoy birthday and holiday celebrations throughout the year. Our school feels it is important to provide options for celebrations. Therefore, each grade level will be sharing a Birthday Choice Board with families to provide an array of options for parties and celebrations.The BH-BL School Board Policy states: “If food is brought to school for shared snacks, such as birthdays or holiday celebrations, please consider items that are healthy and be aware of any classmates with food allergies. Items must be store bought and packaged with ingredient labels.”  We will need to send home any items brought in that are not store bought or do not have a nutritional label. Please contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Hay, our school nurse  if you have any questions specific to your child’s class.

Together we thrive!

Rick Evans