About Naviance
We are pleased to offer Naviance, a web-based service designed especially for high school students and parents. Naviance is a comprehensive website that you can use for help in learning about colleges, careers, and scholarships.
Naviance Student Overview & Tour
Naviance Instructions
Students can log into their Naviance account using their Clever Portal.
- Log onto Clever and click the Naviance Icon and Login as Student
- Search for high school with 12027 zip code and click on BH-BL High School
- Click Continue Signing On Using Clever to bring you to Naviance Home
- Check out the latest information posted by our counseling center, conduct research on careers, do extensive college searches, and link to valuable websites. As you do research and make your career and college plans, be sure to touch base regularly with your counselor.
More Information on Naviance
- Self Discovery – Who are you? What skills do you have? What is your personality like? What are you good at? These are important factors to consider when exploring careers. Naviance offers eight self discovery assessments including Strengths Explore and Skills Assessment to Career Key and Career Interest Profiler as you continue to develop your career goals.
- Careers – As you complete Self Discovery Assessments Naviance keeps track of your areas of interest. Naviance will also find careers that match your interests, strengths, skills, and personality. Students can find detailed career profiles that include wages, job outlook, duties, skills, and educational requirements and college majors.
- Colleges – Students can research colleges using a variety of different criteria including location, size, admission, athletics, and programs of study. One of the best features on Naviance is Scattergrams. This graph plots GPA and test scores of former BHBL students who applied to the colleges. This information can help you decide if the college is a Reach, Target, or Safety school and help you predict the likelihood of acceptance. Students planning to apply to college will use Naviance as part of the application process so it is critical they become familiar with the platform.
- About Me – This area gives you access to a resume builder, surveys from your school, and general account information.
There are many more features that Naviance offers including Compare Me, RoadTrip Nation, Colleges I’m Thinking About, Letters of Recommendation, and Scholarships. Be sure to check out all that Naviance has to offer. See your counselor with questions!