2025-26 Curriculum Guide
[Print-friendly 2025-26 Curriculum Guide PDF]
General Information
Course Load Requirements
Students must carry a minimum of five classes plus physical education each semester. Class and homeroom placement are based upon the number of credits previously earned. A student must have a minimum of 5.5 credits to be ranked as a sophomore; a total of 11 credits must be accumulated before the student is ranked as a junior; and 16 credits are required to be considered a senior.
High School Counseling
Each student has a school counselor to assist in planning the student’s high school program and to help with post high school plans which may include college, vocational training, military, or employment. The student’s involvement with the Counseling Center begins the first day of school when the counselor becomes an advocate for the student. Students and parents are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center with questions and concerns.
High School Counseling Center
Scheduling Timeline
Counselors meet with students in grades 9-11 in February and March to discuss academic progress, career goals, review their academic program and select courses for the following year. Course requests will be available on eSchool for families to review and time will be allotted for any adjustments. Final course requests will be mailed home with final report cards in June. Any changes to these requests should be made in early July. Counselors should be contacted with questions.
Program Planning for Students
When you plan your high school program, you should take into consideration your special abilities, interests, and goals. Your pattern of studies should be built around the courses and subjects required for graduation, but it should go beyond these. By selecting courses that meet your needs and interests, you can work toward your own educational, career, and personal goals.
The worksheet on page 15 of the physical copy of the Curriculum Guide is provided to help you list and plan required courses and your top priority electives for each year. Students are encouraged to consult with parents, teachers and school counselor in this process.
Steps in Planning
- Establish personal goals. Even though these may change, you should have some specific educational, career, technical and personal objectives you are working toward.
- Evaluate your personal strengths, interests, aptitudes and needs.
- Research the education and training that may be required for the type of work and career you hope to pursue after high school.
- During 11th grade, take part in information nights and college fairs, and visit the colleges and vocational resources in which you are interested.
- Consult your parents, teachers and counselor to benefit from their experiences and the information they can make available to you. Talk with others in the community who are working in the professions or vocations you are considering.
- List the courses you would like to include in your high school study program. Choose those that will contribute most toward helping you achieve your goals. Think about courses that will enrich your life and those that will provide you with useful skills as an adult.
- Select courses so your course load will be balanced throughout your four years of high school. Take into consideration sports, activities, employment, and family responsibilities and commitments.
Exploring the Future
In planning your high school program, think about your hopes for the future. This is a time for learning as much about yourself as about the content of the courses you take. Pay close attention to what you like and what you do well. Think about how to apply that information to your future plans. Look for ways to try out ideas and suggestions about careers.
Both students and parents are encouraged to use Naviance Family Connection program. This online program helps students explore academic, career, and college interests. Students can take a variety of assessments, complete a career interest profiler, search careers, and do extensive college research. College bound students will use Naviance as part of the college application process so it is important to be familiar with the program. Students can log into Naviance using their Clever portal.
Several programs at BH-BL High School and local BOCES have been designed for career and vocational development. These programs allow you to work directly and in a meaningful way in a variety of fields, to gain experience and knowledge about careers and about yourself. As you plan your high school program, you may wish to consider one of these programs, which are described at greater length in the curriculum guide:
- BH-BL Career Exploration Internship Program (CEIP)
- Capital Region Career & Technical Education programs
- Saratoga Career & Technical Education programs
College Entrance Requirements
Colleges prefer a strong academic preparation in high school. Specific subject and grade point average requirements vary from one institution to another, as the institutions themselves vary in the programs they offer and the kinds of students they seek. Generally speaking, colleges prefer students who have completed:
- Four years of English & social studies
- Three to four years of mathematics
- Three to four years of science
- Two to three years of a world language
College-bound students who choose to drop one of these areas before they graduate should do so only after careful consideration. Teachers, counselors and department chairpersons can provide valuable information in these cases. Taking a full academic program and obtaining a high level of achievement, together with activities to show the student is willing to participate in and contribute to the school or community, are the best ways to ensure a student will meet the requirements for college entrance. Students should check college bulletins and consult their counselors for specific information as they make their choices.
Courses Offering College Credit
There are several ways for BH-BL students to earn college credits while still in high school: through Advanced Placement (AP) exams; through agreements our school has with several colleges; and through the BH-BL+1 Early College Program. Students interested in taking any one of these college-level courses should consult with their teachers and school counselor.
Click here for additional College Credit & AP Information
Graduating in Less Than Four Years
BH-BL High School students may graduate in less than four years. The decision to do so should be made by parents and students based on the student’s goals, so that the time saved by this decision will be put to good use in work, travel or continued study at some other institution.
After parents and students have discussed the option thoroughly, they should consult the student’s school counselor for a careful consideration of how such a decision could affect the student’s future plans.