The Science Department aims to offer all students the opportunity to investigate fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe and to understand the phenomena that affect our daily lives. Although the sequence of Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry and Physics is standard, personalized scheduling to match needs is considered based on individual situations. Advanced courses are open to all qualified students. For courses ending in a Regents exam, student must satisfactorily complete 1,200 minutes of documented laboratory work to be eligible for the Regents exam and earn credit for the course.

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12        1 year         1 credit
This course follows the NYS Science Learning Standards in Life Science: Biology. The curriculum, designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and practices of biology, covers a range of topics including: Molecules to Organisms, Inheritance and Variation, Matter and Energy in Life, Ecosystem Relationships, and Natural Selection and Evolution. Students will engage in hands-on laboratory activities and investigations to help them develop scientific inquiry and data analysis skills. They will be encouraged to make connections between Life Science concepts they are learning and real-world applications. There are three NYS Investigations and 1,200 minutes of documented laboratory work required for the Life Science: Biology Regents exam at the conclusion of the course.

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12       1 year        1 credit
Life Science: Biology covers similar topics and key ideas, but is not restricted to those presented in Core Life Science: Biology. Topics will be presented at a more complex level and at a faster pace. There are three NYS Investigations and 1,200 minutes of documented laboratory work required for the Life Science: Biology Regents exam at the conclusion of the course.

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12       1 year       1 credit
This course follows the NYS Science Learning Standards in Earth & Space Science. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts astronomy, geology and meteorology. The curriculum covers a range of topics including Space Systems, History of Earth, Earth’s Systems, Weather, Climate, and Human Sustainability. Students will engage in hands-on laboratory activities and investigations to help them develop scientific inquiry and data analysis skills. They will be encouraged to make connections between Earth Science concepts they are learning and real-world applications. There are three NYS Investigations and 1,200 minutes of documented laboratory work required for the Earth & Space Science Regents exam at the conclusion of the course.

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12     1 year      1 credit
Earth & Space Science covers similar topics and key ideas, but is not restricted to those presented in Core Earth Science. Topics will be presented at a more complex level and at a faster pace. There are three NYS Investigations and 1,200 minutes of documented laboratory work required for the Earth & Space Science Regents exam at the conclusion of the course.

Grades 10, 11, 12       3 years       3 credits
Up to 12 UHS credits offered through SUNY Albany
This three-year course offers students the opportunity to conduct original scientific research under the guidance of a research scientist. Students are required to take another science class simultaneously with Science Research, attend and present at local symposia and enter local, regional and/or national scientific competitions, such as Intel and Regeneron. In addition to having their work published, students may pursue college credits.

Grades 11, 12       1 year       1 credit
Chemistry is a college-preparatory, lab-based course for students planning to pursue a four-year college degree who have successfully completed two years of high school science. Related lab activities and 1,200 minutes of documented lab work are course requirements. The Chemistry Regents exam will conclude the course. Prerequisite: Geometry. Algebra 2 is a preferred co-requisite.

Grade 11        1 year        1 credit
This lab-based course is designed for students who have successfully completed Core Biology and Core Earth Science. It will expose students to selected topics in chemistry, such as solution chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and physical and chemical changes. Case studies and projects are used to present various topics. A final exam and/or project will conclude the course.

Grades 11, 12        1 year       1 credit
3 CHS credits offered through SCCC
This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Biology and Earth Science. The goal of this course is to build an understanding of local, regional, and global environmental issues. Topics include air and water pollution, ecology, endangered species, natural resource management, population growth, food production and alternative energy sources (solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, etc.). Hands-on activities, labs and projects will be used to present various topics. A final exam will conclude the course.

Grades 11, 12       1 year       1 credit
The course uses lab-based and guided-discovery learning methods that involve the use of computers and computer-based lab equipment to gather and analyze experimental data. Students use mathematics and reasoning skills to discuss these experimental results and how they model phenomena present in the real world. The course will investigate topics including measurement uncertainty, mechanics, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves, light, and nuclear physics. This course will provide an excellent background for any college course in physics and will serve any student well in further study of the sciences. Related lab activities and 1,200 minutes of documented lab work are course requirements. The Physics Regents exam will conclude the course. Prerequisite: Algebra

Grades 11, 12       1 year       1 credit
8 CHS credits offered through SCCC
This is an algebra-based college level physics course. A more rigorous course than Regents Physics, it includes a more in-depth view of most topics and covers some additional topics such as oscillatory motion, fluids, thermodynamics and geometric optics. A greater emphasis is placed on problem solving. Related lab activities and 1,200 minutes of documented lab work are course requirements. The Regents Physics exam will conclude the course. Prerequisites: Recommendation from current science teacher and Math and Science Regents exam scores of 85% or greater are recommended.

Grades 11, 12        1 year       1 credit
This course takes a hands-on approach to physics. It is geared toward students who are not likely to take further science in college. Topics to be covered include motion, electricity, magnetism and light. This course will require a final examination and/or project.

Grade 12       1 year         1 credit
This course is for students who have completed three years of science. Forensic techniques are used to teach scientific principles. Activities and inquiry-based labs develop the skills and confidence necessary for students to become proficient at critical thinking and problem solving. Topics include processing a crime scene, estimating post-mortem interval (rigor, livor, and algor mortis, forensic entomology, digestive system anatomy, eye anatomy), forensic anthropology, physical evidence vs. testimonial evidence (eyewitnesses, confessions), analysis of glass, forensic toxicology and drugs, serology, DNA analysis, hairs, fibers, fire investigation, fingerprinting, document examination, and careers in forensic science.

Grades 11, 12      1 year        1 credit
3 CHS credits offered through SUNY ESF
This lab- and project-based, college-level course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts and methodologies needed to understand the complex interrelationships of the natural world. Students will be able to identify and analyze both natural and man-made environmental problems, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems and examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Students will work cooperatively with SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry, with opportunities for guest lectures and off campus field trips. The AP Environmental Science exam in May, for which a fee is charged, is required. College credit may be attained in this course in one of two ways: Students may either receive credit upon successfully completing the coursework and meeting all requirement through the college in the high school program or by earning a specific grade on the mandatory AP exam. An additional fee is charged to receive college credits. Prerequisites: Biology, Earth Science, and Chemistry.

Grades 11, 12      1 year      1 credit
8 CHS credits offered through SCCC
This course is equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course. Students will spend time learning essential biological concepts while developing advanced inquiry and reasoning skills. Areas of study include designing a plan for collecting and analyzing data, applying mathematical routines, and connecting concepts across domains of study (molecules and cells, heredity and evolution, organisms and populations and the structure and function of plants and animals). The AP Biology exam in May, for which a fee is charged, is required. College credit may be attained in this course in one of two ways: students may  either receive credit upon successfully completing the coursework and meeting all requirements through the college in the high school program or by earning a specific grade on the mandatory AP exam. Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry.

Grades 11, 12       1 year        1 credit
8 CHS credits offered through SCCC
This college-level chemistry course examines in detail the intricacies of chemical reactions, including kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics. The kinetic and atomic theories of matter also constitute a major portion of the course. The AP Chemistry exam in May, for which a fee is charged, is required. College credit may be attained in this course in one of two ways: Students may either receive credit upon successfully completing the coursework and meeting all requirements through the college in the high school program or by earning a specific grade on the mandatory AP exam. To enroll in AP chemistry, students must meet department selection criteria. Summer work is also a requirement of this course. Prerequisites: Biology, Earth Science, and Algebra 2. Math and science Regents scores of 90% or greater.Recommendation from current science teacher.