Attention Class of 2025! Don’t miss this opportunity for a $1000 scholarship from BH-BL High School PTSA!  Applications must be submitted no later than 2:30 pm on April 22, 2025! Follow this link for the application and information!  

Welcome to the High School PTSA!

Our Mission: BH-BL High School PTSA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.  Our PTSA is only effective when the parents, students and teachers all work together for the good of our High School students!  There are ALWAYS ways to help.  How?
  1. Become a member! You can become a member of the PTSA and be eligible for some AWESOME discounts at local businesses!  (
  2. Volunteer! Get involved.  Come to a meeting and see what exciting events we have planned.  There are SO many ways to help.  If you have lots of time, then maybe you would like to chair a committee!  Or, if you have a full schedule, then volunteer to help with an event.
  3. Join us on social media! Facebook (BurntHillsBallstonLakeHSPTSA) or Instagram (bhblptsa).

SEPTA: There is also a Special Education PTA (SEPTA) at BH-BL. To learn more, visit the SEPTA website or contact Danielle Collins at

2024-25 Meeting Dates

September 9 | October 7 | November 4 | December 2 | January 6 | February 3 | March 3 | April 7 | May 5 | June 2

Meetings are held at 7 p.m. in the high school principal’s conference room.

PTSA Officers/Executive Committee

PresidentDavid Barclay
Vice President: Danielle Lanigan
SecretaryLakshmi Nagarajan
Treasurer: Daniela Aldi

Special Education PTA: Contact via email: | SEPTA Website

Committee Chairpersons