Attention Class of 2025! Don’t miss this opportunity for a $1000 scholarship from BH-BL High School PTSA! Applications must be submitted no later than 2:30 pm on April 22, 2025! Follow this link for the application and information!
Welcome to the High School PTSA!
- Become a member! You can become a member of the PTSA and be eligible for some AWESOME discounts at local businesses! (
- Volunteer! Get involved. Come to a meeting and see what exciting events we have planned. There are SO many ways to help. If you have lots of time, then maybe you would like to chair a committee! Or, if you have a full schedule, then volunteer to help with an event.
- Join us on social media! Facebook (BurntHillsBallstonLakeHSPTSA) or Instagram (bhblptsa).
SEPTA: There is also a Special Education PTA (SEPTA) at BH-BL. To learn more, visit the SEPTA website or contact Danielle Collins at
2024-25 Meeting Dates
September 9 | October 7 | November 4 | December 2 | January 6 | February 3 | March 3 | April 7 | May 5 | June 2
Meetings are held at 7 p.m. in the high school principal’s conference room.
PTSA Officers/Executive Committee
President: David Barclay
Vice President: Danielle Lanigan
Secretary: Lakshmi Nagarajan
Treasurer: Daniela Aldi
Special Education PTA: Contact via email: | SEPTA Website
Committee Chairpersons
- Arts & Entertainment: Tim Brunson
- Audit Committee: Laurel Jolliffe & Sara Egan
- Follies: Tim Brunson & Daniela Aldi
- Founders Day: Joan LaBuff
- Fundraising: Danielle Lanigan
- Love Our Seniors: Daniela Aldi & Kristin McCabe
- Membership: Lakshmi Nagarajan
- Scholarships: Laurel Jolliffee
- School Pictures: Sue Kudlacik
- Social Media: Danielle Lanigan
- Staff Recognition: Danielle Lanigan
- Transportation Day: Daniela Aldi