Honk If You See A “Class of 2020” Sign

Every BH-BL graduating senior received a “Class of 2020” sign to be proudly displayed on their lawn. These unprecedented times have resulted in district’s across the nation showing their support for this year’s graduating classes in different way. Thanks to High School Principal Tim Brunson, the BH-BL community is now filled with more than 200 …

Participation requested in statewide ThoughtExchange on the reopening of schools

NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that New York school facilities will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year.  As we look to the future, we must think about what a return to school buildings might look like and how best to support students, families and staff. We know that we are …

May 12 Board Meeting via Google Meet, 5 pm

The Tuesday, May 12, 2020n Board of Education meeting  is at 5 p.m. and residents can join the meeting via Google Meet. Join the meeting using this link. A friendly reminder for anyone attending the meeting to please keep your computer or device microphone on mute to reduce the amount of audible interference.

Annual school budget vote and board election to be held June 9 by absentee ballot

In an executive order issued on Friday, May 1, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that this year’s school budget vote and board of education election (typically held in May) will take place on June 9, exclusively by absentee ballot due to the COVID-19 public health crisis. There will be no in-person voting this …

BH-BL HS Ranked #5 in area by US News & World Report

In late April, the U.S. News & World released its 2020 Best High School rankings; Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School receiving Best High School recognition ranking 5 out of 40 Capital Region area schools. The rankings are done through a holistic approach by measuring six indicators: college readiness, reading and math proficiency, reading and math …

April 27 Update: CARES Child Care Scholarship Opportunity

April 27 Update New York State is using a portion of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funds to provide child care to income eligible essential workers at no cost. Essential workers who must work outside of the home and who are using a regulated child care provider will receive …

College Board Cancels June 6 SAT

College Board continues to respond to the impact of the coronavirus, and because public health officials have made it clear it’s not safe to gather students in one place they’ve decided not to administer the June 6, 2020 SAT. The College Board, in a recent letter, stated that they are working hard to make the …

April 15 Finance Committee & BOE Mtg Updates

There will be a brief online Board of Education meeting followed by an online Finance Committee Meeting on Wednesday, April 15 at 5 p.m. via Google Meet to provide an update on the 2019-2020 financial projections due to COVID-19, the Superintendent’s Recommendations for the 2020-21 school budget, and other information on the 2020-21 school budget …