Heidelmark fueling his fire for a career in welding 

Aspiring welder and BH-BL HS senior Preston Heidelmark heats up his future career outlook while completing an assignment during a Welding and Metal Fabrication program class recently at the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center where also takes courses. Heidelmark plans to follow his father’s footsteps and enter the welding union when he …

HS Artists’ Work Featured in All-Stars Exhibition, Jan. 12-Feb. 3

Congratulations to Natalie Afinowicz, Zoe Brignola, Dakota Harris, Jack Helstowski, Brooke Hughson, Lyla Katz and Julianna Zarelli for having their artwork selected to be featured in the 2024 High School All-Stars Exhibition. Their work will be on display from Friday, January 12  through Saturday, February 3, 2024 at Saratoga Arts on Broadway. The Arts Center …

New Bus Attendance System in Play at BH-BL

This  school year, the BH-BL Transportation Department has changed how our bus drivers now take student attendance. We have shifted from the antiquated paper and pencil rosters and route maps to a more efficient and accurate digitized system. Much like the school and class attendance practices, we have always taken daily bus attendance for safety …

Students Lend Santa A Hand at Toys for Tots “Workshop”

BH-BL High School students in the Transitions Program recently lent a hand to Santa at the Toys For Tots “Workshop.” They sorted donated gifts and stuffed a variety of items into Santa sacks to be delivered to children around world. During class, the students were also learning about different holiday traditions as they virtually travelled …

BH-BL Not Eligible for State’s Free School Lunch Program

The NYS Education Department (SED) recently changed its formula requirements that school districts must meet in order to provide free school lunches to all students. Until this school year, districts needed certification that 40 percent of its student population receives state financial services in the form of Medicaid, SNAP/TANF, etc. This fall, however, the state …

Community Overwhelmingly Approves Capital Project Vote

BH-BL Community Checks Yes Box for 2023 Capital Project Residents came out today to cast their vote in support of the district’s $53.93 million “Renewing Spaces, Inspiring Futures” capital project resulting in 1,100 yes votes and 219 no votes, which yields a passage rate of 83 percent. This is the largest passing percentage in capital …

Statewide School Email Threat, Questionable Credibility

UPDATED at 11:26 am After diligently searching each BH-BL school and finding no evidence to support the email threat, Saratoga County law enforcement has officially cleared the district and we’ve lifted the hold-in-place. All students and staff will resume a regular school day and move throughout the building. Every school day our security protocols are …

HS student Erin Fresn learns while serving at charity fundraiser

  Area high school students and a pair of Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education chefs created delicacies and helped “plate” and serve hundreds of patrons during the recent Regional Food Bank’ of Northeastern New York’s Chefs & Vintners’ Harvest Dinner. The students joined chefs Paul Rother and Erica Weakley in volunteering to take …