Business Office

The BH-BL Business Office consists of a variety of departments, each with its own set of responsibilities for enabling a school district of some 3,100 students and 700 employees to run efficiency and cost effectively. Following is a list of departments that fit under the Business Office umbrella and a brief description of their roles and responsibilities.

Business Office: 518-399-9141, ext. 85025

Assistant Superintendent for Support Services

The Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Christopher Abdoo is responsible for the overall operation of the BH-BL Business Office including supervision and long-range planning of all business and support services. The position also oversees the district’s annual operating budget and annual budget vote, tax rates and certiorari cases, maintenance operations and capital construction, the Food Services and Transportation Departments, legal correspondence and services, crisis intervention, all insurances including personal and liability, employee contract negotiations, purchasing, and district mailings.

School Business Administrator

School Business Administrator Brenda Kane is responsible for directly supervising Business Office personnel including payroll, employee benefits, accounts payable, and receivable. The position also oversees department budgeting, tax collection, construction project reports, all bank accounts, accounting records and annual financial reports; audits and investments; federal and state grants, health and wellness service contracts, private transportation contracts, invoices for non-resident tuition and the annual student census.

District Treasurer

District Treasurer Cady Kuebler keeps record of finances for the school district, does related work as required. She also receives district’s funds from various sources and deposits same in the bank designated by the Board of Education. She signs all checks issued by the District and keeps a record of District receipts and disbursements, including the recording of receipts and journal entries into the District’s financial management system in accordance with the rules and regulations of the NYS Comptroller’s Office and the Uniform System of Accounting. She is responsible for preparing and submitting monthly financial statements and treasurer’s reports to the Board of Education, reporting budgets to actual spending to the New York State Education Department via the annual ST-3 entered in the NYS Management System (SAMS), and assisting with investing District funds. She also completes annual sales tax reporting for the School Lunch Program.

Accounts Payable Department

The district Accounts Payable Department is responsible for reviewing and processing all payments to vendors, analyzing vendor statements, processing all encumbrances, working with vendors to resolve problems and disputes, providing support to administration in the analysis of district expenditures.

Payroll Department

The district Payroll Department is responsible for maintaining the computerized payroll system, producing and distributing bi-weekly payroll checks for some 700 district employees, maintaining records of all employee  payroll deductions, changes and withholdings, and employment verifications.

Purchasing Department

The district Purchasing Department is responsible for securing and processing all vendor bids for numerous items from school buses to classroom furniture, ordering and inventorying of all office supplies, overseeing maintenance contracts, district printing, etc.