Building Council

Building Council Helps Improve Education

Each BH-BL school has a Building Council whose goal is to help improve the quality of education for all students through a shared-decision making committee.

The committee is comprised of teachers, administrators, staff and parents. There are six teacher members selected for Building Council in each school who are also members of one of the six district K-12 committees: language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, health and special services. In the middle school, team leaders are selected by grade level and department to represent their colleagues. Parents and CSEA are also part of the shared decision making group.

Building Council Goals

Statement: A positive school culture leads to greater student achievement

Goal 1:  All  faculty and staff will continue to promote and be part of character education events, team building activities as well as professional development initiatives that offer opportunities to learn how to build positive relationships with students.

Goal 2:   All students in grade 6 – 8 will make growth in mathematics and English   Language Arts.  Utilizing collected data, teachers will work together to offer students multiple opportunities to practice and improve in both math and reading.

2024-25 Meeting Dates

Meeting are typically held monthly at 2:45 pm in the library

  • August 27, 2024 (at 9 am)
  • September 23, 2024
  • October 28, 2024
  • November 25, 2024
  • No December Meeting
  • January 27, 2025
  • February 24, 2025
  • March 24, 2025
  • April 28, 2025
  • May 5, 2025
  • June 9, 2025

[Follow this link to view Building Council Minutes]

2024-25 Building Council Members

  • Co-Chairs: Colleen Wolff, Principal  & Todd Bucci, TA President
  • 6th Grade: Cheryl Rasmussen, Monica Hills, Valerie Wadsworth, Lauren Mattison
  • 7th Grade: Andy Lancaster, Todd Bucci, Nichole Azotea
  • 8th Grade:  Laurie McFarland/Sue Gestwick, Bryan Yager, Nichole Azotea
  • Fine Arts: Lisa Johnson
  • World Language: Caitlin Nirsberger
  • Special Education: Karen Marine
  • Guidance, SW, AIS, Nurse: Nancy Hyde
  • PE, Health, FACS, LMC: Lori Bennett
  • 6th Grade Parent: Melia Gordon
  • 7th Grade Parent: Jodi Facteau-St. Gelais
  • 8th Grade Parent: Jessica Fraioli
  • CSEA: Laurie Coniglione
  • Building Technology Coordinator: Pete Mody & Lindsay Armbruster
  • Professional Development:  Dolores Weaver & Shauna Bryk
  • Health & Safety: Nick Morocco
  • Character Education: Melinda Crowley & Jaclyn Weber