MS Daily Announcements

What’s happening at the Middle School today?

Friday, March 28, 2025

Today is an A-Friday. 

Today Mr. Duell is wearing a tie designed by the collaborative efforts of Ella T., Melodie S. and Stella E. in  the 6th grade.  If you’d like to design a tie for Mr. Duell to wear, pick up a template in the main office or the Library.

German Club is having a birthday party!  Come learn how German kids celebrate their birthdays.  Play traditional German birthday games, win prizes and eat German treats!  Thursday, April 3rd in room 223.  Sign up outside Frau Phelps’ classroom (223) or in the hallway by the library.

Any 7-12th grade BH-BL students:  Burnt Hills Youth Baseball Umpire Training:  Sunday, March 30th – 10am to 1pm

Location:  Indian Meadows Clubhouse

Wear:  Khaki Pants/Sneakers/Be prepared for the weather

Please join us for the District-wide Follies!

Friday, April 4th and Saturday, April 5th – 7:00 pm start time

$5 Admission at the door

Hope to see you there!


BHBL Baseball 2025 Apparel StoreStore Open Until March 31st

BHBL Follies

PTA Spring Cleaning Drive